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Understanding Your Target Market

Welcome to the first lesson in the Understanding Your Target Market Crash Course.
Over the next few days, you will receive several lessons that will help you learn
the ins and outs of conducting market research so that you can target your market more effectively.

In this first lesson we are going to talk a little about the importance of conducting market research for your business.
It really can’t be stressed enough how important market research is to the success of your business. Understanding your market will guarantee that you are providing the right products and services to your audience, ones that they will be interested in purchasing and at a price point that they are willing to pay.

Without researching your market, you’re just shooting in the dark. With the right type of market research, you’re shining a bright light on your target so you’ll be a lot more likely to be successful.

- Helps You Focus on What’s Most Important

When you conduct market research, it will help you focus on what’s most important to your audience and therefore to you. You cannot make assumptions about your market without confirming them by researching the situation. You might find out that your ideas are wrong or you might find out they’re correct.

- Helps You Learn More about Your Audience

You might think that you can wing it, but if you don’t know everything about your audience that you can, you may make a mistake. For instance, one-time Coke thought it was a good idea to come out with “New Coke” without really learning about what their audience would think about that. It was a colossal failure.

- Helps You Know Which Path Is the Most Profitable

When you learn more about your market, you’ll be able to create even better products and services that your audience really wants. In fact, they will think that you’re able to read minds and will clamor to buy what you’re selling.

- Helps Your Business Adapt

Even when you are marketing to the same general demographic, the morals, views, thoughts, and ideals of a demographic changes over time. That’s why companies that have been around for ages have to change their marketing plans and advertising periodically, because people change.

- Helps in Decision-Making

Having the right information in front of you will help you make a lot better choices for your business and your audience. After all, decisions made with no information, the wrong information, or assumptions will almost always be wrong. Having the right information is going to make your choices so much better.

- Helps Reduce Risk

When you know what your market is doing and what they want, you lower your risk of mistakes and failure when pushing out new products and services. Why waste time and money with shooting in the dark when you can shine the light on your work and hit your target every time?

- Helps You Develop New Strategies

The right marketing research will help you create new approaches for everything you do in your business. With market research done properly, the new things you do for your business will be more likely to work out.

- Helps Minimize Risks

The more information that you have and gather through the market research that you do, the less risk you will face as you conduct product development and marketing to your ideal audience.

Don’t just do market research once; consider it an ongoing need in order to stay competitive in your business. You’ll identify future problems faster, which will enable you to create products and services even faster too.

We have a lot to go over in the next few days if you want tolearn how to conduct research that will help you target your market more effectively, so make sure you look for your next lesson soon. We will be talking about how to start gathering your primary research. 
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